Best Banana Cookie Recipe

Welcome, baking enthusiasts and cookie lovers! There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction that comes from creating a batch of homemade banana cookies. This easy banana cookie recipe offers an indulgence that fills your kitchen with an irresistible aroma and your palate with a burst of flavors. Whether you are an experienced baker or a novice, this recipe is all about simplicity and taste. Dive in to experience the joy of baking that’s as pleasurable as these delightful cookies themselves!

Why Banana Cookies Are the Perfect Treat

Yes, cookies are indeed a delightful indulgence, but wouldn’t it be great if you could enjoy them without the guilt? This is where the magic of banana cookies comes into play. Incorporating bananas into your cookies not only enhances the overall taste and texture, but also converts your sweet treat into a healthier snack.

The Sweet and Healthy Balance

Healthy banana cookies offer the perfect blend of taste and nutrition. The naturally occurring sugar in bananas provides enough sweetness, reducing the need for added refined sugars. Plus, bananas are packed with beneficial nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and fibre which contribute to your overall health, making these cookies an excellent choice for a guilt-free treat.

Benefits of Banana in Baking

Beyond their health benefits, bananas serve multiple purposes in baking. They impart a unique, moist texture to the cookies and enhance the natural sweetness, which is a significant advantage when you’re cutting down on refined sugar. The bananas also yield a soft, cake-like crumb in your cookies, which, coupled with their iconic flavor, makes banana cookies a vibrant, tasty, and nutritious snack option.

In conclusion, the advantages of baking with bananas are numerous. Not only do they add natural sweetness, they also enhance the texture while adding a healthful touch. So, next time you’re planning a baking session, why not give these healthy banana cookies a try?

Essential Ingredients for Banana Cookies Recipe

banana cookie recipe

Choosing the right kind of ingredients is the key to baking perfectly moist and flavorful banana cookies. It’s essential to use wholesome cookie components to not only enjoy a delightful taste but also reap the health benefits associated with them. Let’s take a look at the key banana cookie ingredients you will need:

  1. Overripe Bananas: They lend sweetness and a deeply embedded banana flavor to the cookies. Plus, they act as a great binding agent.
  2. Premium Flour: The backbone of the cookies, it provides them with their fundamental structure. Opt for whole wheat flour for an extra dose of nutrition.
  3. Softened Butter: It gives the cookies their richness and creamy texture. Butter also aids in spreading, giving the cookies their distinct form.
  4. Raw Sugar: A less processed sugar variety, it sweetens your cookies and gives them a beautiful golden color.
  5. Eggs: Eggs work as a leavening agent and provide additional moistness. For a vegan version, you can substitute it with a ‘flax egg’ or ‘chia egg’.
  6. Vanilla Extract: It adds a layer of depth to your cookies’ flavor profile. Go for the pure version rather than the synthetic one for a genuine taste.
  7. Leavening Agents: A balanced mixture of baking powder and baking soda ensures your cookies rise well and are perfectly fluffy.
  8. Sea Salt: Just a pinch brings out the sweetness of the other ingredients more prominently, enhancing the overall taste.

Remember, the quality of each ingredient plays a crucial role in defining the final outcome. Always opt for the freshest and most authentic ingredients for a flavorful, wholesome batch of cookies. Happy baking!

The secret to mouth-watering banana cookies often lies in the choice of bananas used in the recipe. Knowing how to select the right bananas based on their ripeness and type can significantly enhance the flavor and texture of your homemade baked treats. This section dives into the nuances of banana ripeness for baking and the advantages of using organic bananas for creating stellar cookies.

The Ripeness Factor

Just as bananas vary in taste and texture at different stages of ripeness, they also contribute varied qualities to your cookies. Unripe or slightly ripe bananas are firm and have a subtle sweet flavor, making them a great choice if you prefer your cookies to have mild banana undertones. However, if you’re aiming for banana cookies that boast a robust, sweet, and caramel-like taste, fully ripe or slightly overripe bananas are your best bet. These bananas are softer and naturally sweeter, helping you reduce artificial sweeteners in your recipe.

Organic vs. Conventional Bananas

When it comes to choosing between organic and conventional bananas, the decision is largely personal and often influenced by factors such as taste preference, health concerns, and environmental considerations. Organic bananas are free from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and many believe they taste more vibrant and “bananay.” Notably, they may also offer some nutritional advantages such as a higher concentration of certain minerals and antioxidants. Conventional bananas, on the other hand, are typically less expensive and more readily available. Regardless of the type you choose, the most important thing is to select bananas that are fresh and suitably ripe for your cookie baking venture.

Preparation Tips for the Perfect Dough

banana cookie recipe

Preparing the perfect banana cookie dough requires patience, the right techniques, and a keen understanding of how to balance flavor and texture. In this section, we delve into all you need to know about banana cookie dough preparation, so each batch of cookies you whip up is consistently delicious. Let’s get started on this exciting journey.

Tip #1: Achieving the Right Consistency

Just like any other cookie dough, the consistency of your banana cookie dough is essential. If it’s too dry, your cookies will be hard and crumbly. If it’s too wet, they may not hold their shape during baking. So, how do you ensure it’s just right?

  • Be mindful of your measurements: Accurate measurements are a significant precursor to achieving dough with the right consistency. Be extra careful when dealing with measurements of ingredients, particularly the wet ones (like the bananas and butter).
  • Mix gradually: Another key to the perfect dough consistency is gradually mixing your dry and wet ingredients. Start by adding a small portion of your dry mix to the wet mix, and blend thoroughly before adding more. This method prevents the formation of lumps and ensures a smoother dough.
  • Do the touch test: Lastly, a good dough should not be too sticky or too dry to touch. It should form a smooth ball that doesn’t stick to your hands or the mixing bowl.

Tip #2: Balancing the Flavors

Sweet, ripe bananas bring a unique and delightful flavor to cookies. However, balancing this with your other ingredients is crucial to avoid an overpowering banana taste.

  • Use moderate sweeteners: Since ripe bananas are naturally sweet, consider reducing the amount of additional sweetener you use. This adjustment helps bring a well-balanced flavor to your cookie dough.
  • Add a pinch of salt: A pinch of salt can do wonders to enhance the flavors of your cookie dough. It brings out the sweetness of the bananas without making the cookies overly sweet.

With these dough consistency tips and flavor balancing tricks at your fingertips, you’re now well-equipped to conjure up the perfect banana cookie dough. Go ahead, give it a shot!

Ready to get hands-on with our banana cookie recipe? Don’t worry, whether you’re an expert baker or a beginner, this recipe is easy to follow. Here, we provide detailed, step-by-step instructions to help you master the perfect banana cookie. Additionally, we’ll share some important tips on how to mix cookie dough, to ensure your cookies turn out just right, every time.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Let’s start with the recipe procedure. Follow these steps carefully for best results.

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C), and line your baking tray with parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl, sift together the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon.
  3. In a separate bowl, mash up the ripe bananas, and then stir in softened butter, sugar, an egg, and vanilla extract.
  4. Gradually add the dry ingredients into the wet, mixing until just combined. Be careful not to overwork the dough.
  5. Use a cookie scoop or spoon to drop dollops of cookie dough onto your prepared baking tray.
  6. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the cookies are golden brown at the edges.
  7. Allow the cookies to cool on the baking tray for a few minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Tips for Mixing and Beating

How you mix your cookie dough can heavily affect the outcome of your cookies. Here are some tips to get it just right.

  • Mix your dough until just combined. Overmixing the dough can result in tough cookies. Be gentle and patient.
  • When creaming butter and sugar together, beat until the mixture becomes light and fluffy. This helps to incorporate air into the dough, making your cookies lighter.
  • Always add your dry ingredients gradually. This helps them incorporate more easily and reduces the chance of overmixing.

With these steps and tips, you’re well on your way to crafting the perfect banana cookies. Happy baking!

banana cookie recipe

Each baker works magic in their own authentic way, reflecting personal tastes and dietary choices. Our banana cookie recipe is flexible, catering to individual preferences or restrictions. Whether you’re looking for more crunch or catering to a vegan or gluten-free diet, we’ve got you covered!

Incorporating Nuts and Chocolate Chips

Diversifying your custom banana cookies with additional ingredients can amaze your taste buds, enriching the sweetness of the bananas with contrasting flavors. For instance, nuts bring a delightful crunch and a slightly salty contrast to balance the sweetness. Chocolate chips, on the other hand, melt into gooey pockets of indulgence, escaping into each bite with the warmth of the baked cookie.

  • For nutty banana cookies: Fold in 1 cup of your favorite chopped nuts – walnuts and pecans work great – into the dough before you start forming your cookies.
  • For banana-choc-chip cookies: Add in 1 cup of chocolate chips along with the nuts, otherwise directly into your dough for that heavenly chocolatey touch.

Gluten-Free and Vegan Variations

If you’re following a gluten-free or vegan diet, you don’t have to miss out on enjoying these delectable banana cookies.

  • Gluten-Free Banana Cookie Recipe: Simply switch the wheat flour in the recipe with a gluten-free variant. There are a variety of options to choose from, including almond flour, coconut flour, or a ready-packaged gluten-free mix.
  • Vegan Banana Cookies: Replace the eggs in the recipe with an additional mashed banana or a flaxseed mix (1 tablespoon flaxseed meal + 2.5 tablespoons of water). As for the butter, swap it with a vegan butter substitute or use coconut oil.

With these variations, everyone can savor these delicious homemade banana cookies, regardless of their diet. Let your creativity flow and start baking!

Baking the Ultimate Batch of Banana Cookies

There’s nothing quite like the magic of pulling out a perfect batch of golden-brown banana cookies from the oven. The satisfaction of a successful bake is second to none, especially when you’ve made it all from scratch. In the following section, you will find expert tips and tricks that will guide you in perfect banana cookie baking.

From temperature settings to timing, these cookie baking techniques are meant to ensure your homemade banana cookies come out just right, every time.

Banana Cookie baking technique

  1. Preheat your oven: Before starting, ensure your oven is properly preheated to the temperature indicated in your recipe. Most home ovens take about ten to fifteen minutes to reach the desired temperature, so plan accordingly.
  2. Use the middle rack: The middle rack of the oven provides the most even heat distribution, making it the ideal spot for baking your banana cookies. If you’re baking multiple cookie sheets at once, remember to rotate them halfway through the baking time for even browning.
  3. Don’t overbake: This is a common mistake that can lead to dry and unappealing cookies. Keep a close eye on your cookies and take them out when they’re just barely golden-brown at the edges. They’ll continue to cook on the hot baking sheet after you remove them from the oven.
  4. Let them cool: Resist the urge to immediately move your cookies after taking them out of the oven, even if they seem a bit underdone. They’ve been in a very hot environment, and they need some time to set. Leave them on the baking sheet for at least five minutes, then carefully transfer them to a cooling rack.

Baking is a mixture of science and art, lending itself to endless opportunities for experimentation and learning. So, don suits your hot mitts and let your kitchen be filled with the heavenly aroma of perfectly baked banana cookies.

Once you’ve baked a delicious batch of banana cookies, you’re ready to explore how to best enjoy them. From delightful drink pairings to creative plating ideas, this section is dedicated to enhancing your banana cookie experience.

Drink Pairings

Whether you’re indulging in a mid-day snack or serving dessert, your choice of drink can significantly compliment the flavors of banana cookies. Consider the following banana cookie pairings:

  1. Hot Chocolate: The rich, chocolaty taste and warmth of hot chocolate make it a comforting companion to sweet, soft banana cookies. The duo is perfect for a cozy winter evening.
  2. Milk: A classic pairing for any cookie, a cold glass of milk brings balance to the sweetness of banana cookies and adds a creamy contrast to the cookie’s texture.
  3. Coffee: For adults, a cup of coffee can provide a pleasant bitterness that enhances the sweetness in banana cookies. The rich aroma and robust flavor of coffee provide a sophisticated counterpoint to the delicate, fruity cookies.

Plating and Presentation Tips

How you present your banana cookies can elevate the entire tasting experience. Here are some serving tips focused on aesthetics and practicality:

  • Platter placement: Arrange your banana cookies in a circular fashion on a decorative platter. If you’re serving multiple cookie types, each variety could have its own section to create a visually pleasing diversity of flavors and textures.
  • Garnishments: A light dusting of powdered sugar or drizzling of honey can add a touch of visual interest and enhance flavor. Garnishments like sliced bananas or nuts can highlight the primary ingredients of the cookies.
  • Cookie dimension: Rather than baking all cookies uniformly, consider opting for various sizes based on your guests’ preferences. Small cookies are great for a single bite, while larger ones offer a more satisfying snack. These variations in size can also add a visually appealing asymmetry to your serving platter.

With these helpful tips in mind, your guests will be delighted not only by your delicious banana cookies but also by the thoughtful pairings and presentations that enhance the overall tasting experience.

Storing and Keeping Your Cookies Fresh

It’s a common challenge for bakeries and homemade cookie enthusiasts alike – storing homemade cookies in a way that keeps them as fresh, soft, and delicious as they were right out of the oven. One of the essential parts of enjoying your culinary creations for more than just a day is understanding how to store your cookies properly. This knowledge can not only prolong their delectable taste but also preserve their texture.

While our focus here is on banana cookies, these storage tips can actually be applied to a variety of home-baked goodies. Let’s dive into the core principles of keeping cookies fresh and appetizing for as long as possible.Choosing the Right Containers

  • Firstly, always cool your cookies thoroughly before storing them. Storing warm cookies leads to condensation inside your storage container, which can make them soggy.
  • Use airtight containers. These are optimal for locking in freshness and preventing dry air from affecting the moisture content of your cookies.
  • Place a piece of bread in the container. This may sound odd, but the cookies will gradually absorb moisture from the bread, keeping them softer for longer.

Maintaining Perfect Temperature and Humidity Conditions

  • Store your cookies in a cool, dry place. Warm environments can stimulate bacterial growth, while moist places may lead to mold.
  • Never store cookies in the refrigerator. While it’s tempting to think refrigeration would prolong their freshness, it can dry them out instead.

The Secret to Chewy vs. Crunchy Banana Cookies

Banana cookies come in all shapes, sizes, and more importantly, textures. Whether you’re a fan of soft and chewy cookies or you crave a good crunch when you bite into a cookie, we’ve got you covered. The texture of your banana cookies can be fine-tuned through two main factors: baking time and ingredients. Let’s delve into these aspects and find out how you can make your favorite chewy banana cookies or crunchy banana cookies.

Achieving the Desired Texture

The secret to achieving the perfect texture in your cookies lies in the balance of moisture and dry ingredients. If you desire a chewy texture, you’d want to ensure that your dough is sufficiently moist. This can be achieved by adjusting the amount of bananas and other wet ingredients in the dough.

On the other hand, if a crunchy texture is your preference, you’ll want to limit the moisture content in the dough. Less bananas and a little extra flour could just do the trick.

Adjusting Bake Time and Ingredients

Apart from tweaking the ingredients, adjusting the bake time can profoundly influence your banana cookies’ texture. If you’re looking for a soft, chewy banana cookie, a shorter bake time is your best friend. It ensures the cookie remains soft in the center.

  • Bake time for chewy texture: 10-12 minutes
  • Bake time for crunchy texture: 15-20 minutes

Take note, though, that every oven is different, so these are indicative times. Always keep a close eye on your cookies while they’re in the oven. When they start to turn golden around the edges, they’re usually done.

By taking control of these aspects, you can customize the texture of your banana cookies to your liking, making them the perfect addition to your collection of moist and chewy or the crunchy and crumbly delights.


It is our hope that after delving deep into the world of banana cookies, the homemade recipe we’ve shared will hold a special place in your portfolio of favorite baking projects. It’s easy, customizable, and more importantly, full of both flavour and nutrition. However, the journey doesn’t have to end here; your kitchen is full of potential waiting to be explored.

Our recipe for homemade banana cookies has been designed to make baking more approachable, enjoyable, and rewarding for bakers of all experience levels. We’re confident that the simplicity and flexibility of our recipe, along with its delightful result, will make it a new favorite in your home. The goal is to add to your usefulness in the kitchen and increase your love for baking.

Encouraging Reader Engagement

We would love to see how this recipe comes to life in your kitchen! Share your baking experiences with us – the triumphs, the tests and the delicious outcomes. Let us know how you’ve adapted our banana cookie recipe to suit your preferences and needs. Did you try a vegan variation? Perhaps you added some exotic nuts or rare spices? Your input helps create a truly interactive recipe experience and contributes to a community of avid home bakers around the world.


Well-ripened bananas are best to use in a cookie recipe as they have a natural sweetness and soft texture that blends seamlessly into the dough.

Why are banana cookies considered a healthy treat?

Bananas are a good source of vitamins and minerals, particularly potassium, magnesium, and vitamins C and B6. They also contribute natural sweetness, which can help reduce the added sugar in your cookies.

My cookies turned out too flat. What did I do wrong?

If your cookies are flatter than expected, you might have overmixed the dough. Be gentle in your mixing to maintain that perfect balance between fluffy and chewy.

The key to perfect dough is to ensure that the butter and sugars are creamed together until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Mash bananas well before incorporating them into the dough.

Absolutely! You can incorporate nuts, chocolate chips, or even switch out the flour to create a gluten-free or vegan variety of the cookies.

How can I maintain the freshness of homemade banana cookies?

Store your cookies in an airtight container at room temperature to maintain their freshness. Storing them properly can help them to maintain their flavor and texture for up to a week.

How can I achieve a chewy or crunchy texture in my banana cookies?

By adjusting the baking time and ingredients – for chewy cookies, consider adding more brown sugar or baking for less time. For crunchier cookies, you can add a little more white sugar or keep them in the oven for longer.