Recipe for Hummingbird Bread


Recipe for hummingbird bread. Welcome to your journey into the delightful world of Southern cuisine! The stars of today’s culinary exploration? A simple yet flavorful hummingbird bread recipe! This moist and comfortingly sweet bread is a South family favorite. Bake hummingbird bread at home and enjoy a taste of Southern hospitality right from your own oven.

Imagine a delicious twist on the traditional banana bread, combining ripe bananas, crushed pineapple, and pecans for a balanced and intriguing flavor profile. This hummingbird bread showcases Southern dessert recipes at their finest, delivering a bread that is satisfyingly rich and fruity. It’s the perfect addition to your breakfast, brunch, or as a delightful dessert. So tie on your apron, gather your ingredients, and let’s immerse ourselves into the fantastic baking journey of creating homemade hummingbird bread!

Discover the Origin of Hummingbird Bread

Hummingbird bread, an irresistible delight of the Southern kitchen, invites you on a journey to uncover its roots and understand its connection to the traditional hummingbird cake recipe. Enjoy a trip down memory lane to the late 1970s. Consider the significance of its interesting name and how it reflects the love and warmth of Southern hospitality.

What is Hummingbird Bread?

For the uninitiated, hummingbird bread is a sweet, comforting treat. It owes its origins to the South and carries a close kinship with the classic hummingbird cake. This bread is packed with the succulent goodness of bananas, pineapple, and pecans. Unlike its cake counterpart, which traditionally features a cream cheese frosting, the bread variation calls for a simpler approach. Regardless, both versions offer an experience so tantalizing that a cup of tea or coffee by its side seems almost compulsory.

The Southern Roots of this Sweet Treat

First making its appearance in the late 1970s, hummingbird bread swiftly gained popularity upon its feature in Southern Living Magazine. The charming label ‘hummingbird’ is believed to be indicative of its inviting sweetness; an allure so potent that it could even draw in the nectar-loving hummingbirds! Embodying the essence of Southern dessert origins, this bread is a representation of warmth and abundance, encapsulating the quintessential Southern tradition of sharing food with loved ones.

Whether it’s the sweet lingering aftertaste, the moist textural delight, or the understanding of the hummingbird cake history, delving deeper into this well-loved Southern treat is sure to make your next bite even more satisfying.

Essential Hummingbird Bread Ingredients

Creating the perfect hummingbird bread doesn’t have to be a tricky process. Success in baking starts with having the right ingredients at hand. No matter if you’re a seasoned baker or a beginner just dipping your toes into the world of home baking, this comprehensive list will guide you through the essential hummingbird bread ingredients you need to get started.

  • Ripe Bananas: The base of any good hummingbird bread recipe, ripe bananas are essential for their natural sweetness and moisture. The riper the bananas, the more intense the flavor.
  • Crushed Pineapple: Crushed pineapple adds refreshing tartness. It balances the rich flavors of the other ingredients in the mix.
  • Chopped Pecans: Chopped pecans deliver an exciting crunch. They bring a subtle nutty flavor that complements the fruity undertones of the bread.
  • Cinnamon and Other Spices: A dash of cinnamon and other spices like nutmeg or clove can add depth and warmth to your bread. Nonetheless, feel free to tweak the spice ratio to your liking.

Of course, we mustn’t overlook the real backbone of almost every baking recipe: the staples. Include all-purpose flour for structure, sugar for sweetness, eggs as a binding agent, and leavening agents like baking soda and baking powder. They help your bread rise to the occasion.

With these hummingbird bread ingredients, you’re on your way to baking a delightful loaf. It’s sure to elevate your baking prowess and delight your senses. Now that you have your ingredients listed out, you’re ready to move onto the next step of your hummingbird bread journey.

Step-by-Step Guide to Mixing Dry Ingredients

The process of making hummingbird bread is as enjoyable as eating it. One of the pivotal steps in this baking journey is mixing the dry ingredients accurately. This section will guide you through the process, ensuring your bread achieves just the right texture.

Combining Flour, Spices, and Leavening Agents

Dry ingredients for hummingbird bread include flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, and leavening agents like baking soda and baking powder. Ensuring you measure each ingredient accurately is paramount. Once you’ve done this, whisk these ingredients together, as it is a basic but crucial baking technique for bread. The harmony of these components forms a sound foundation for your bread, so investing time in this step is key to the success of your bake.

Tips for Ensuring Even Distribution

Mixing dry ingredients thoroughly is crucial to the bread’s texture. To avoid clumps within the batter and promote even distribution, consider sifting your flour and spice mix together. Sifting provides maximum aeration, resulting in lighter and more tender bread. You should also be mindful of overmixing, a common pitfall that could result in a tough bread texture. After all, the art of mixing dry ingredients is as significant as the ingredients themselves.

Mixing Wet Ingredients for Perfect Moisture

Mastering the art of baking bread that’s moist, light, and flavorful is a true labor of love. One of the essential steps in this process is combining the wet ingredients correctly. Here we guide you on this critical step of preparing the wet ingredients that directly contribute to the bread’s moisture content and overall texture.

It’s key to use ingredients at room temperature to ensure they integrate harmoniously. This subtle detail can elevate your bake to a professional level, resulting in a consistently moist bread crumb.

  1. The importance of room temperature ingredients: The eggs, oil, and even the fruits used should be at room temperature. Cold ingredients don’t mix as well, which might affect the overall texture of your bread.
  2. Order of blending: This step starts with beating the eggs lightly before gradually adding the oil to create a stable emulsion. This is followed by stirring in the vanilla extract, mashed bananas, and pineapple.

Being mindful of these details can yield a hummingbird bread with characteristically rich and moist crumb. Keep in mind that the goal is not just to create a good loaf but the perfect loaf – one that’s moist, flavorful, and truly unforgettable. Happy baking!

The Art of Combining Dry and Wet Ingredients

Creating perfect hummingbird bread goes beyond having the right ingredients. It’s about mastering the process of seamlessly bringing together the dry and wet components of the recipe. This delicate baking technique ensures that your bread has the right moisture, consistency, and flavor.

Avoiding Overmixing: The Key to Tender Bread

Knowing how to properly combine dry and wet ingredients can significantly impact the texture of your bread. When you combine dry and wet ingredients, do so gently and cautiously; avoid overworking the batter. Overmixing can lead to a dense and tough bread, contrary to the soft, tender texture we desire in a perfect hummingbird bread. Be patient and gentle when you blend the ingredients. Achieving a blend where you cannot distinguish the flour is ample.

When to Fold in Fruits and Nuts

Hummingbird bread is famous for its bursts of flavor from fruits and crunch from the nuts. To ensure you well-distribute these elements and prevent them from sinking to the bottom during baking, you need to fold in fruits and nuts at the right time.

Once your batter is ready, and just before you pour it into the baking pan, fold in fruits and nuts. Be sure to toss your fruits and nuts in a little flour before adding them. This helps in distributing them evenly throughout the bread, guaranteeing that every slice is filled with luscious fruits and crunchy nuts.

Baking Your Hummingbird Bread to Perfection

In the journey of baking hummingbird bread, the transformation of the batter into a perfect loaf is nothing short of magical. However, achieving this transformation requires an understanding of the baking process.

Find the right oven temperature. Discern the optimal baking time. This section equips you with essential oven tips for baking your hummingbird bread to golden-brown perfection.

Tips for Baking

Preheating your oven is the first critical step in the baking process. When you put your loaf into an already heated oven, it ensures an even and immediate heat exposure, leading to a consistent rise and color.

The temperature and timing needed for baking may differ slightly based on your oven model and the specific recipe you’re following. Look for a beautiful, golden-brown color on the top and sides of your loaf—that’s a good indicator that your bread is baked well.

Use a toothpick or a thin skewer to check the doneness. Insert it into the center of the loaf; if it comes out clean or with just a few moist crumbs, your bread is done.

Creating that desirable crackly top on your loaf requires the right balance of wet and dry ingredients. Too much liquid can lead to a soggy, dense loaf, while not enough moisture can result in a dry, crumbly bread.

Follow the recipe closely and do not overmix the batter after adding the dry ingredients to the wet. Overmixing can lead to a tough texture. The aim is to blend just until you can’t see streaks of flour.

Lastly, the interior of your loaf should be moist and tender, a key signature of hummingbird bread. Achieving such a texture requires a careful balance of ingredients and perfect baking time.

Once your loaf is baked, let it cool completely in the loaf pan on a wire rack before removing it. This prevents the loaf from falling apart or getting soggy from the steam.

Baking hummingbird bread is not just a process, it’s an art. With these tips and guidelines, you’re all set to bake your very own perfect loaf of hummingbird bread that’s sure to capture the hearts of your family and friends.

Customizing Your Hummingbird Bread Recipe

In your culinary journey, you may find that certain dietary needs require adjustments to your favorite recipes. Tweaking the ingredients of a beloved dish to cater to specific dietary restrictions can seem challenging, but fear not!

Make a few smart changes. Customize your hummingbird bread recipe to suit various dietary preferences. Maintain the delectable taste, texture, and overall delightful experience. Whether you or your loved ones follow a gluten-free diet or lean towards vegan choices, you can take these into account without losing the essence of this wonderful baked delight.

Gluten-Free and Vegan Alternatives

Modifying the original hummingbird bread recipe can be simple and rewarding. For those on a gluten-free diet, a myriad of gluten-free flour blends are available that can be substituted for ordinary flour. Some good options include a blend of white and brown rice flours, along with potato and tapioca starches. Corn, quinoa, and almond flour also give great results.

If vegan choices are what you wish to incorporate, a few easy substitutes can be used in place of the traditional ingredients. For example, you can use a flax or chia seed mixture to replace eggs, and dairy substitutes like almond milk, soy milk, or coconut cream can stand in for butter. So, creating a delicious vegan hummingbird bread is not as puzzling as it might initially appear. Simply making these adjustments can cater to more dietary needs and preferences, allowing you to enjoy the same great flavors in a different way.

Adapting the Sweetness and Spice Levels

You can mainly subjectively tweak the sweetness and spice levels in a recipe to align with your taste buds. In terms of sweetness, if you prefer a lightly sweetened bread, reduce the quantity of sugar gradually while tasting the batter till you achieve your desired sweetness. Conversely, if your palate leans towards rich and indulgent flavors, feel free to add a bit more sugar, but do so cautiously to avoid overpowering the natural flavors of the fruits.

Both cinnamon and nutmeg play a significant role in the aroma and flavor profile of the hummingbird bread. If you prefer a delicate hint of spice in your bread, reduce the quantity of these two spices in your recipe.

For those who love a more robust spice profile, you might want to consider increasing these spices or even experiment with adding a dash of clove or ginger for an extra warm depth. Remember, the trick is in balancing your ingredients to create a perfect customize hummingbird bread recipe that satisfies your senses while staying true to its traditional essence.

Creative Ways to Serve Hummingbird Bread

Transforming the way you’re serving hummingbird bread can transport this classic Southern treat from comforting simplicity to elevated sophistication. And it’s easier than you think!

Start by exploring a variety of serving temperatures. Freshly baked hummingbird bread is incredible all on its own, still warm from the oven. But, don’t hesitate to warm up slices in the toaster or oven for a few minutes, creating an inviting crunch that encapsulates that moist, fruit- and nut-studded interior.

Let your creativity flow in the realm of toppings. A dollop of whipped cream or a drizzle of honey can enhance the bread’s natural sweetness. Spread a thin layer of cream cheese to complement the fruity flavors, or try butter for a rich, savory counterpoint.

Beyond these basic ideas, expand your horizons with some creative presentation ideas:

  1. Use slices as the base for a gourmet breakfast sandwich.
  2. Cut into cubes, toast lightly, and toss into a vibrant breakfast salad.
  3. Transform it into decadent French toast or a scrumptious bread pudding.

Rounding out the experience, remember that the beverage you serve alongside can make a significant difference. A cup of tea or coffee is the standard choice. However, don’t let that stop you from thinking out of the box! A glass of milk can bring out the nutty undertones, while a flute of champagne can turn a simple slice into an elegant brunch centerpiece.

These suggestions are just a starting point. Whether you stick to these ideas or create your own, remember that every nibble of your hummingbird bread should bring a smile to your face. The humble, comforting slice can become a celebration of flavor and creativity, proving once again, that simple pleasures are sometimes the most satisfying.


As we wrap up our sweet journey, your homemade hummingbird bread is now ready to be savored and shared. A recipe that is not just about baking a loaf, but also about the pleasure of creating something that brings joy to yourself and others.

Sharing the Joy of Hummingbird Bread

Baked with love, your hummingbird bread embodies the warmth and richness of Southern hospitality. Whether you’re enjoying it over a quiet breakfast or serving a slice as dessert at a family gathering, there’s always an occasion to enjoy hummingbird bread. The delightful fruit and nut studded slices are a treat to look forward to any day. Allow this bread to be a symbol of shared happiness and togetherness in your household, as it is in countless homes across the South.

Storing and Keeping Your Bread Fresh

Of course, part of the joy of baking is having your culinary delights last. To keep your hummingbird bread fresh and flavorful for days, proper storage is key. Whether you prefer keeping it on the counter or storing it in the refrigerator, understanding the optimal storage solution for bread can make all the difference. This way, every slice will feature the wonderful moist crumb and subtle sweetness that makes this bread a family favorite. So, enjoy hummingbird bread today, tomorrow, and every day after until the last crumb is enjoyed.


What is hummingbird bread and where did it originate?

Hummingbird bread is a sweet, fruity bread that traces its origins back to the Southern United States. Similar to the popular hummingbird cake, the bread combines ripe bananas, crushed pineapple, and pecans to create a moist and flavorful dessert or snack.

What are the basic hummingbird bread ingredients?

Main ingredients of hummingbird bread include ripe bananas, crushed pineapple, and chopped pecans. Additional staples are flour, sugar, eggs, and leavening agents. Spices like cinnamon may also be included for added depth of flavor.

Are there specific techniques for mixing the dry and wet ingredients?

Yes, proper blending of dry and wet ingredients is crucial to the resulting texture of the bread. Avoid overmixing to prevent toughness, and sift flour and spices together for even distribution. Fruits and nuts should be folded in the batter only after the dry and wet ingredients are adequately combined.

How can I successfully bake my hummingbird bread?

For the best results, ensure that your oven is preheated, use the correct pan size, and bake the bread until golden brown. Testing for doneness can be achieved by inserting a skewer into the bread; if it comes out clean, your bread is ready.

Can I customize my hummingbird bread recipe?

Definitely! You can adapt the recipe to vegan and gluten-free needs and adjust the sweetness and spice levels to fit your personal preferences or dietary restrictions.

Do you have any creative serving suggestions for hummingbird bread?

Hummingbird bread can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Try serving it warm with a dollop of whipped cream, toasting it for a crunchy exterior, or repurposing leftovers into dishes such as trifles or French toast.

How can I best store my homemade hummingbird bread to keep it fresh?

To retain its moisture and freshness, hummingbird bread should be kept well-covered at room temperature for up to two days. For longer storage, refrigerate the bread in an airtight container, where it can be kept for up to a week.